Track and Measure
We gather the data to understand how your audience uses your site.
We conduct interviews, run surveys, track click data, and much more to ensure we know exactly how to deliver what your prospects and customers are looking for.
Analyse Results
We look through this data to find outliers, issues, trends, and opportunities.
From this we create hypotheses on why certain segments are or are not acting in unexpected ways.
Design and A/B Testing
Based on our prioritised hypotheses, we design page variations, set up personalisation experiences, and roll out A/B split testing on key pages.
We monitor these tests closely and build up firm data on what is resonating best with prospective customers.
Optimise and Improve
This is where we use the results of successful tests to make changes on your live website to all visitors.
The benefits of the optimised and personalised pages are now amplified by a large audience having a better experience online, leading to increased revenue.
Repeat the Process
Start all over. Optimisation is an ongoing process of continuous improvement.
These changes ensure you're always providing a quality experience to your customers and not wasting revenue generating opportunities.